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  Vaults and Handholes
Item code VandH
ISBN 20058
Note: Place your company name Logo or use our commonly utilized Logos. Common Logos: Communications, Fiber Optic, Electric, Traffic Signal, Water, etc. Box & Cover Sizes Cover Load Rating W x L W x L 10” x 15” 11” x 18” 5,000 lb /7500 lb (Standard) 12” x 12” 17” x 30” 8,000 lb / 12,000 lb (Light Duty) 24” x 24” 24” x 36” 15000 lb / 22,500 lb (Heavy Duty) 30” x 48” 30” x 60” 22,500 lb /33,750 lb (Extra Heavy Duty) 36” x 36” 36” x 60” Options: Cast iron & Split lids available 36” x 72” 48” x 48” No Bolts or w/Bolts (Penta or Hex head) 48” x 72” 48” x 96” Round style boxes 27” or 39” dia. Options: Depth sizes available are 12”, 18” 24”, 30” 36”, 42”, 48” (varies w/size of Box) Open or Solid bottoms, mouseholes, knockouts, cable racks, terminators, Strut or Solid and Electronic Markers.
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